We still have a lot of CHA releases to put up for pre-order, and since we can only do one at a time we thought we’d ask you: What do you want to see put up for pre-order next? Here are your choices:
- BoBunny - 6 new collections
- The Girl’s Paperie - On Holiday and Paper Girl
- Basic Grey - Cappella, Max & Whiskers and others
- Tim Holtz - Stamper’s Anonymous, Idea-ology and Sizzix
- Fancy Pants - 5 new collections
Just comment on this post to vote, and we’ll let you know which product won when we announce it for pre-order in the next couple of days!
Tim Holtz!!!! Just love what he does!
The Girls Paperie...I'm loving all the pictures I saw from their booth!!
Basic Grey Max and Whiskers
Tim Holtz!! I can hardly wait for his new stuff.
The Girls Paperie, I NEED both lines!
The Girl's Paperie!
Can';wait to order from Girls Paperie!
Tim Holtz!!!
The Girls Paperie please!
Looks like I might be the sole vote for Fancy Pants. Come on people!
The Girls Paperie!!!!
Tim Holtz please!
Fancy Pants!!!
Basic Grey and Fancy Pants!
BoBunny! The Roughin' It and Mamma-Razzi are great! I love the cameras in the Mamma-Razzi. And Jazmyne has some beautiful purples. I think that's the best selection.
Girls Paperie!
The Girl's Paperie-Very nice new lines! Love all the papers!
The Girls Paperie and Tim Holtz for sure!!!!!!! :)
I'll vote for the Girl's Paperie.
Tim Holtz and 7 Gypsies are what I am waiting on....and since 7 gypsies isnt on the list then I have to vote for TIM HOLTZ!!!
From: avid preorderiing customer Jennifer :)
The girl's paperie, please (and, it's actually Tim Holtz's fault that I want that so badly!).
Tim Holtz!!....his stuff is amazing I might even buy a die cut machine thanks to him.....only his of course!!
tim holtz, girls's paperie - it's a tie for me - but with tim slightly in the lead:)
The Girl’s Paperie. Love it.
Tim Holtz. Can't go without!!!
Tim Holtz for sure!
Bo Bunny, please!!
Basic Grey!!
LOL, we are not making it very easy. Fancy Pants!!!
fancy pants
Bo Bunny, please :)
Tin Holtz for sure!
The Girls Paperie
I vote for the Girls Paperie!
Tim Holtz!!!!!afcourse.
ALL of them! :)
Fancy Pants if you just do one...
The Girl’s Paperie!!!!
Please :-)
Bo Bunny for me!
Oh please please please pick the Bo Bunny! Their new papers are sooooooooo yummy!
Basic grey!
Basic Grey Max and Whiskers please
Girls Paperie all the way!!!
Girls paperie and Fancy Pants. Really I want them all
The Girls Paperie! It looks so beautiful and I don't know where else I'd get it.
Fancy Pants please, can't wait to get my hands on it.
The girl's paperie!! I was fortunate to see it in person at CHA and it Is awesome!!
Girl's Paperie...for sure!!!
Basic Gray. I must have Max and Whiskers!
My vote is Tim Holtz!
basic grey! FOR SURE!!!
*love love love*
Definitely Bo Bunny!
Bo Bunny!
Basic Grey please! :)
Basic Grey is first choice with Girl's Paperie second! :0)
Basic grey or fancy pants. Girl paperie too.
My vote is for Basic Grey!
A Girl's Paperie - but I can't wait to see them all!
Girls Paperie pretty please
The Girl's Paperie...can't wait to see it and order!
the girls paperie!!!
It has to be Basic Grey!! Please!! They are the BEST!!
Definitely Tim Holtz
Basic Grey Basics!
The girls's paperie
Oh, Tim Holtz. I've hardly been able to wait until I can get my hands on his stuff.
Fancy Pants, please...
Bo Bunny is my pick - all 6 lines are wonderful!
the Girls' Paperie!
Tim Holtz.....amazing creativity!!!!
Bo Bunny please!
The Girls Paperie, please. I'd like
to see someone new and different, and
the previews of her stuff look pretty
The Girls Paperie here!
First choice = Tim Holtz
Second choice, very close second = Girl's Paperie
First Choice - BoBunny (Roughin it)
Second Choice - Fancy Pants
Tim Holtz, easy!
Basic Grey!
Basic Grey, please!
That's a hard one, but I'd have to pick the Girl's Paperie simply because it's new. (and I want it!)
any other time it would be basic grey...hands down....BUT i would love to get a peek at "THE GIRLS PAPERIE"...please
Love the Fancypants!!!
Paper Girl please :)
Basic Grey all the way!
Oh YIKES this is the hardest choice ever...I am going with Bo Bunny!
I'm chiming in with yet another vote for The Girls Paperie - I haven't seen it available anywhere else and it looks *fantastic* !
UPDATE: Voting is now closed. Thank you all for your participation! We haven't counted the votes yet, but it sounds like The Girl's Paperie has won with Tim Holtz right behind. Tim Holtz will probably take us less time to put up for pre-order, so we're thinking of knocking that out quick and putting that out for tomorrow and then doing The Girl's Paperie for Thursday. We'll let you all know for sure what we decide. Of course there is no "winner" or "loser" here as we will be selling all of these items, the other ones will just have to wait until either Friday or next week. Thanks again!!
Love to see Basic Grey!
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